Monday, October 13, 2008

"so better let somebody else do it lah..."

I was watching Haris' video clip of this all time favorite song of "oneness" and somehow it struck an emotional tug at my old heart. The candle light vigil at the Padang Jalan Timor, P.J. last night was a rather emotional affair for me. And this morning when I heard this old classic again I decided to re-produce here on my blog too !

Yes folks, it's true we've been afraid of too many things we wanted to express for far too long, always living in our "comfort zones" and reminding ourselves of the "trouble" we'll land ourselves and our families IF we asked, IF we questioned, IF we were seen in the public, IF we had been honest in our judgement, IF we have done enough for our children's future, IF this and IF that....always the IF's and always succumbing to the old "...what can I do alone?....I'm only one person and nothing will change, so better keep my mouth shut, I shouldn't rock the boat or they'll put me in ISA better let somebody else do it... ", right ??? Wrong....and last night the ordinary peoples of Malaysia came out bravely to hold a candle-light vigil to demanded the release of RPK and to do away with the moronic ISA law !

For that I thank you all, for coming out of your comfort zone, to take back what was robbed from us ....our RIGHT as tax-paying citizens to ask, demand, question, and maybe even shape the future of our kids rights and most of all to not be afraid to be seen in our company and in public too !

As Gobind and Haris proclaimed at the top of their voices last night with clenched fist air-punching...."we must take back what is OURS..... our rights as Malaysians".........

Godbless all of you !

* I dedicate this posting today to my little baby who turns 11 ! Happy Birthday darling !


Kell^ said...

Thank you,
my sentiments exactly! And happy birthday to your dear girl.

pistolair said...
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Knights Templar said...

Bro ,,pistolair comment is Trouble.

Take care man