Najib plays the perfect dumbo or maybe .....just maybe, is secretly pleased with these "sacrificial bigots" for coming out to say what he himself secretly restrains from screaming out loud, yes ? That his very own boys are giving so much "slurry" fodder for the Opposition to play to the gallery with and why not, with all these morons within BN Najib sure don't need no other enemies. ( read my 3 earlier posts on this BTN here )
I actually think these scumbags have taken advantage of our DPM's recent statement that he has no power to do anything....and so this ! ( here ) How else can you account for this latest out-burst....don't they read the papers at all ? Opps, sorry.....the MSM hardly carry these kind of stories.......they are too busy spinning their own brand and quota of racist angles to please their respective political masters, right ?
And what has the MCA and the MIC gotta say about these ? Sure they'll come out and pretend ( wink, wink ) to protest but with extreme caution, lest "big brother" UMNO curtails their supply of their "daily fix", no ?
As for that strange picture above, of grown men pinching the other's ears from the back and probably running around in circles to the tune of that oldie "enjit..enjit...semut, sapa sakit naik di atas" or even the "Macarena", well I picked it out of the BTN website in a futile search for an image of that idiot deputy director Hamim Husin. Isn't that embarrassing for adult government servants......to be treated like school kids in these BTN camps ??
And did you say, we the tax-paying rakyat are picking up the tab for this shit too ??
Stephen, these are the ANNOINTED scums of the nation...fat-cats,lazy, pesky, unproductive free-loaders who will rue the day when majority Nons leave country with their brains n $$. There's no need for the frequent diatribes, the Nons are forsaking this hopeless, shit land for greener pastures!!
As indeed we are yet picking up another tab !
Malaysia is really in serious trouble, nothing we can do in our life time since the Bumiputras are growing more by the day. Soon they will be 80% and then closer to 90%.
Our supposed savior PKR ( of the Bumi kind ) is also imploding may God help us. Zorro, Haris & Gang ( including the Shanghai fler ) is devastated...are their hard work going up in smoke , too ?
Its time for strategy 4 ( to be discussed in Galas )
Its time for strategy 4.....you call this hard work.....just by complaining and condemning... aiyo wake up la these fockers are bloody soap opera actors....tell them to seriously get down to real business by forming a party if you think the present guys are not doing a good job but dont just go on a barn ride.... better stay at home and fock the mouth up.
baDboyzs said......the REAL nons are making a name for themselves, tony fernandez, ananda krishnan and many others simple reason is this they work their butts out thats why they are where they are today instead of all THE nons who do nothing but grumble and complain and end up losers wake up man dont blame others but blame yourselves.......
angela.....if you think this is shitland then ask urself if u were born with full of shit all over you....care a fock if you want to leave this country just because u think you have lots of brains hey they are others like me who work our butts out to live and live a decent live as for you ure a disgruntle pussy and want to do nothing about doing something good for urself...yes ure rite leave this country cos i dont think u have enough brains to stay here and fight to be successful like the rest of the REAL NONS
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