But why is he so dastardly provoking and so violent against anything non-Malay ? Is it because he has the assurance, backing and financial aid from the father of all racists the old and senile Tun ? Or maybe even UMNO ? Malays by nature are a peace loving lot, just like the rest of their fellow Malaysian brothers of Chinese and Indian descents. I know this for a fact because that was what it was like back in the 60's and 70's,.........until a certain and sinister Malaysian of remote Indian origins took over the helm from our founding fathers to send this country's united and peaceable people into going for each others necks with venom and hatred while playing the race card game ! A whole new generation emerged viewing each other with suspicion and jealousy ! Soon this trait grew to hatred and each race that once lived peacefully united side by side began to move away to live with their own kind. Arrogance and one-upmanship was the order of the day. And out of the shadow of this long 22 years of dictatorship by a ruthless tyrant saw the birth of ingrates like this Ibrahim Ali.
Most right thinking and peace-loving Malays think he is an idiot, to Nazri a clown, to everyone else a fake who jumped from party to party like I would crawl from pub to pub on a good Friday outing ! Having lost his platform to be heard because of party-hopping and his questionable character of masquerading as a political brigand he had to resort to kicking up a ruckus over any and every issue that concerns the Malay race thus drawing some cheap publicity and attention to himself and what he claims to profess for all the wrong reasons. And that folks, is Ibrahim Ali ! A dubious moron with no responsibility and an equally idiotic mentor/master to boot !
So now to stop this village idiot from further damaging the very thin ice of peace we can barely survive with, I urge the PM and the Home Ministry to immediately arrest this joker and deport him to Indonesia or anywhere else but to Kamunting,( as I too oppose the ISA ) and save this country we call home. Malaysians have totally rejected this bigot and his hateful remarks and would soon start ignoring him all together !
Then he'll find some new antics to amuse us !
mentri rumah tangga itu mana BERANI !
His words qualify him for Kamunting, but Stephen, he would be a pollutant to our hometown.
Those in authority who does nothing when he sees a crime being commited should also be arrested. Do you think the boys in blue dare to arrest a minister? Not exercising one's power when it is sorely needed is an abuse of power itself.
upon his threat ...oops sorri .... 'advice' ...aku telah suruk 'makanan & minuman'... tq , son of Ali-baba !
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