scenes of 10eleven....
the following 4 pictures below are courtesy of kickdefella's
water canon's in action.....
spraying the already wet marchers...
above picture- courtesy of haraka
the following 4 pictures below are courtesy of kickdefella's

Latest updates @5pm. Pictures by rocky, wee choo keong and stephen.
where's everyone ???
behind the forces.....
the popular yellow head bands...
street justice ?
the people have walked the talk... of many !
another arrest......

in arms and ready !
they walked today to meet the King !
sea of yellow.... and the eye in the sky !
rocky's bru ....
walk of the disgrunted citizens...
another angle ....
ahhh....the monitors from the bar....with rocky !

Time 1.30pm.-10-11-07- Heavy presence of FRU and "heavy" machinery parked around the Bank Rakyat/Bank Negara vicinity...heavy downpour earlier from 12 noon...
in arms and ready !

Please......more news on the march.
MT and MalaysiaKini is out of action.
was good to walk with you, brother!
guess they'll be analyzing how we managed to sneak from behind, eh.
i actually think many of these guys are all for this rally, but it's their duty to carry out orders from superiors. it's the way the armed forces and police work.
can't blame most of them. salary is very small. what choice do they have?
Other posts on BERSIH rally from Sagaladoola:
BERSIH: The Yellow Wave (Pics) Part 1
BERSIH: The Yellow Wave (Pics) Part 2
BERSIH: The Yellow Wave (Pics) Part 3
We have to BERSIH-kan Malaysia
They are only following orders and doing their job. The only problem is they have mind, they have heart, and they have spirit. The mind can be controlled to do any bidding, the heart broken to be heartless but the spirit... ah! the spirit yearns for freedom, for peace, for righteosness. For between them and the crowds, are family, friends, and fellow Malaysians whom they know are guilty only of exercising their conscience for what is right.
They are only following orders and doing their job. The only problem is they have mind, they have heart, and they have spirit. The mind can be controlled to do any bidding, the heart broken to be heartless but the spirit... ah! the spirit yearns for freedom, for peace, for righteosness. For between them and the crowds, are family, friends, and fellow Malaysians whom they know are guilty only of exercising their conscience for what is right.
Too bad I’m out of the country now bro'.. wish I could’ve been with you brave and noble souls...
I am grateful to God that the March was relatively peaceful. I’m glad to hit yours and rocky's blog to get the latest. Seems there’s some sort of a news black-out on the event in mainstream online papers…
Thanks for posting the pictures in "real time". He-he..
-Swamp Roustabout-
Hi Stephen,
Just to let you know that I’ve got my personal account of the rally up. We might need something to collect the accounts of others being at the rally as well.
I’ve split up the account of the rally into 2 parts, the blogger view account is seen at part 2. “The Yellow Revolution Part 2″
I am so proud to be a malaysian, altough i did not go there, i have never felt more close to my malay , chinese brothers , this is true unity , I am proud to be a “bangsa Malaysia” Daulat Tuanku, 10-11 the most important day in our generations history,
I have always stayed away from politics, but now i feel a strong urge to register to vote and cast my vote for the future of all malay , chinese , indian , and all other BANGSA MALAYSIA children. Daulat Tuanku as i am truly proud to be a malaysian today……..
Bro, u were there?
Aisey, i wanted to be there too...but i have to go to Puchong, to my sis house because my mother is there. But if i knew you were there, i will definately squeez my time and join you.
May be next rally.
Kudos to all of you.
Jamy from Florida,USA.
i'm so damn proud of all u guys and gals
you people just played to the hands of the opposition parties. who do these 40K or so demonstrators think they are representing? who? all us rakyat?? sorry to break yr bubble, but that day, you were pawns of the opposition.
sure the opposition claims that BERSIH consists of 60 plus Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and a small "insignificant" number of 5 Opposition political parties, making this a "non political " rally. i hear that all the time from those in favour of the rally.
that statement is nothing more than political tactic made up by the opposition, a cunning and manipulative one. the obvious outcome of such rally is more ppl voting for the opposition. and you all would hv just played into their hands.
they hype the crowd with feel good statements, use the king (who was horse riding in trengganu tht day) to raise the emotions of these pawns , instructed their members (the bulk of protesters) to not waive party flags to reinforce their claim tht this is a rakyat rally not a political one, repeatedly harp on all the bad things BN has done ( which they have - yes im not a BN supporter) , with the extensive news coverage from tv3 to al jazeera, the opposition hit a home run this time. great publicity , and hopefully more angered voters and fence sitters voting for them.
yea yea , i hear u ..of 60 plus non govt org only "insignificant" 5 opposition political parties, or in percentage terms, 7% of bersih is opposition parties.
ok so tell me , why is it that 5 out of 7 delegation that went to to hand the memorandum to the King were leaders of opposition political parties?
sorry to break yr bubble, im a rakyat. u did nothing for me except made a 1/2 hr journey turn into a 3 hr journey thanks to traffic and roadblocks. enough of your 'we did it for malaysia' and yr 'daulat tuanku' guys didnt gv an ass abt the tuanku when they were beaten to the ground by DrM. and u didnt do it for malaysia, you did it for the 5 ppl out of 7 that went to see the king... who was in trengganu horse riding.
Daulat Rakyat is the only way to go. Say NO to Bugis kings and half bake Rajah's.
people should stand for their right!people should rise as knight. we are the people,the son and the child for this great nation. we vote for our government and now they act like we are terrorizing this nation? are we the enemy of the nation? are we powerless to be together? we as people of one nation should stand togater. rise and clean the rotten part of our nation. by walking will not help. but by action of violence will. trust me. the political parties are all powered by the people. and people must not fear again them. they are like us human after all. we have more number then those worthless blue terriers. and one who live under the paid of the government is must not turn their backs on their masters. now they are like terriers bitting the master, what shall you do when a terrier gone bad?or mad? answer is we shall teach them. let them join us. or let us strike them. action must be taken my dear people. rise on new nation will always come from red pouring the ground. and let those terriers blood be the ones on ground. even our national antumn does said " tanah tumpah- nay darah ku. but this time should be , darah tupah -nya si derharka!
think about it.
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