What's so frightfully chilling about the above pictures ??? Of the first 4 from the top...no...sireee...you don't want to be the subject in question...hell.... nooooo !!!
But the rather innocent 5th. photograph is of more interest to me, as it shamefully smacks right here closer to the heart.....and home ! Yes, we are in the understanding all the above photographs are "doctored"......yes, okay...it's fun, right ?... but to use that last photograph, much worst, created by a very suspect blogger, and presented by our government as evidence to prove "nearness to our land" and to stake a claim of ownership over this much debated light-house on a rock and in the International Court of Justice in The Hague too... is pushing it ! And the "little red dot" below us has made fools of us out there in The Hague and I also suspect everyone is rolling on their bellies with laughter and choking at our stupidity !
Why did our "legal-boys" in the Pak Lah Administration suddenly give so much credit and dependence to a suspect blogger and his "work" to a point of even using his "materials" as evidence in an International Court to argue a crucial case such as this ? Does this not smack with hypocrisy on the government's stand against bloggers ? Did someone within do this deliberately to "fix" the Pak Lah administration ?
In the meantime I'll avoid meeting any Singaporean for the next year or two and reel with shame at the thought of living in a fools paradise !
For what it is "Worth"...at least enjoy the top 4 photos....and clearly only one word comes to my lips if I was caught in any of those above situations.........fcuk...I'm screwed !!!
Beg your pardon, little red dot did not make a fool of the malaysians. It's the idiots that the malaysians sent to the ICJ that did such a fine job of it by using defamatory remarks and doctored pictures. tsk! tsk!
anon of 4.38,
...And that too, agreed !
cheers !
...its just reflects the whole Abdullah Administration doesn't it? Full of cosmetics that doesn't even look decent, totally void of substance and worse off packed with lies! I feel like throwing up....ummmpfh!!
...and to top it off, they haven't bothere to come up wigth any clarification or to explain if Singapore's allegation is true...don't expect the Malaysian Press to ask them this...although I believe someone shd have just ask ed Abdullah the question in Singapore...
these village bumpkins got roasted by a 'ipoh mali cinakui' from that little red dot.
best if all the pak lah 'jagoh-jagoh kampong' stays away from all international arenas.
what is the expectation? am told when the sleepy oldman was asked about this case. usual response.." i dont knwo much. gotta be briefed by my people".
shit, the case is already ongoing in the hague and he doesnt know. by the time, he knows, this little island will belong to the little red dot.
good for you malaysians. another term for mr i dont know.
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