See, HINDRAF has marginalised me because I am a Catholic and not a Hindu...and the entire march on the 25-11-07 was only to highlight, whether rightly or wrong, the plight and grievances of only the Hindus. Hey, I'm not being a bigot here and I've got many "brudders" who are Hindus , yes and some of my best friends are Hindus too, BUT support and walked I did, on that faithful day with all my Indian brethren of Malaysian origin NOT because of their demands BUT on the constitutional right of every "neglected" citizen to peacefully gather, march or be heard ! Even when the "call" was for all Malaysians of Indians origin !
So you see I have, whether intentionally or otherwise, been side-lined by the very people of my remote origin.......and that hurts !
Perhaps if the organisers of HINDRAF and their leaders had not been so religiously clannish....and had represented all Malaysians of Indian origin, as the "call" had been, be they Hindus, Muslims, Christian, Sikhs and even Zoroaster's in all sincerity and without hidden agendas.....than this posting might not be necessary !
Shanghai Fish,
Hindraf might be a bit self-centred but you better watch out for these two buggers - they are bend to bulldozed the christian/missionary schools.
.Tuan Syed Hood bin Syed Edros [Parit Sulong MP]
.Datuk Haji Mohamad bin Haji Aziz [Sri Gading MP]
So you have been marginalized by Hindraf? That is painful and sad. But you are not a bit bothered that you have been marginalized by the government?
So you are not bothered that MIC had maginalized you for 50 long years?
If your church had been razed to the ground do you expect the Hindus to rally with you? If your relatives dead body is snatched away before burial do you expect the Hindus to fight for you.
In this country, we are moulded according to race and religion. We spring out from that same mould.
Instead of bemoaning that you have been marginalized look at the broader picture. Look at them as human beings as Mother Teresa did and not as a selfish Catholic.
I am a Malaysian citizen, and I am a subscriber of ASTRO Satellite TV Broadcast here in Malaysia. Recently I have subscribed to the ASTRO News Package which contains Al Jazeera and other foreign news media.
I was highly looking forward for the international news broadcast on all of the stations provided by the package when I had shocking news from our local news station claiming that the foreign news broadcasters are lying and making stories without properly acquiring the real facts and they are very good actors !!! Furthermore these claims were also made by our government's politicians.
Now, this is rather disturbing and disappointing for me as I have only subscribed for the service for just a few days and I'm being bombarded with such claims. This eventually made me to think:
Am I an IDIOT to subscribe, pay and end up watching acts and lies
Is there is any conspiracy going on here????
I clearly understand the fact that Al Jazeera has a strong principal called the Code of Ethics and you strictly follow it. But the claims by the politicians and local media here make me to think otherwise.
The claims below were broadcasted on 27-November-2007 in TV3 news station. Similar claims were also made in other local newscasters. This is just a few of the claims.
1. TV3 news station claimed that the foreign media cannot be trusted as they do not report the actual news.
2. YAB Datuk Sri Samy Velu claims that there were only 4,600 demonstrators on 25-November-2007 and NOT 50,000 or any other number as claimed by the foreign media.
3. TV3 news station said that the questions thrown at the Information Minister of Malaysia by Al Jazeera (Al Jazeera's name was mentioned) was to purposely create a scene to show that Malaysia is in kiosk situation and Al Jazeera purposely built up the story from the real one. They also mentioned the criticism made by the Information Minister to Al Jazeera.
(Prior to sending the mail, I did some research on the net and actually found the video clip of the above Interview in Youtube. And I actually laughed myself out listening to the reply given by our Minister. Pity him for his language. But in the Malaysian news channel TV3, they only provided the "CLEAN" version of the transcript and the actual call was not aired. This makes me even more confused!!! Who is telling the truth here???)
Now, if Al Jazeera is telling lies,
It is high time for Al Jazeera to review back their Code of Ethics and provide the truth for the people. If you can't do it then don't cheat the entire world. And don't broadcast your news at all. I am not a fool to keep paying for acts and lies.
And if Al Jazeera is NOT lying,
Well, what the heck. The damage has already been done. No one in Malaysia is going to listen to your news anyway due to the "VERY GOOD" publicity done by the Malaysian politicians and the local media. By the way, did I mention that our local media could also be received by our neighboring countries like Singapore and Thailand?
It is not my intension to insult Al Jazeera, other foreign media, our local media or the politicians. If you feel offended by this email, I sincerely apologize to you. Whatever the scenario is, all that I want (and the rest of Malaysian citizens who are in my situation want) is the truth. Since Al Jazeera's and other foreign media's names have been badly damaged here in Malaysia, Al Jazeera and the other foreign media's SHOULD do something to fix it back or you may start losing your viewer in Malaysia.(and its surrounding countries too)
I hope you could keep my details confidential and properly investigate on this issue (just in case if you don't trust me) and find out the real truth behind such a drastic claims made by our local media. That is if you still follow your Code of Ethics.
Yours truly,
A concerned viewer.
1. i am also forwarding this mail to other foreign media for their response.
2. i will be posting this transcript in the internet via blogs so that the viewers around the world will be aware that this matter has been brought to your attention and for them to express their views.
hear hear, well said!
they could have named their organisation INDRAF (Indian Reform/Response Action Force). that would have been more apt.
hear hear, well said!
they could have named their organisation INDRAF (Indian Reform/Response Action Force). that would have been more apt.
hear hear, well said!
they could have named their organisation INDRAF (Indian Reform/Response Action Force). that would have been more apt.
Macha...u paku it on the head nice n hard.
Marginalised indians are marginalising between the margins
Ohh for the Love of beer, try to just think for a moment what's HINDRAF is fighting for ??? THE PLIGHT OF Indians and generally the 3rd largest race in Malaysia is the Hindus. Stop saying Bangsa Malaysia when the Gov and politician do not regards us as Malaysians. It's more like we are illegal citizens of this country. If they did there would not have been segregation and , marginalised the Hindus. I do not see them breaking churches , buddhist temples or for the matter Punjabi temple. So stop whining. Yeah yeah I know they are not built in every corner of the streets but then again a 100 yr old temple?? It never really ceaze to amaze me how there a few people are going on and on about fighting for INDRAF rather than HINDRAF. No one told the Catholic Indians or the Punjabi's that they can't walk or join the rally. They are more than welcome but most chose not to. Basically there were a few handful of people who saw it in a 'broader aspect' of the whole scenario rather than a 'narrow' one. SO you see my friend, all these could have been avoided if only the UMNO/BN morons treated the Indians/Hindus with more respect and part of Malaysian citizen which the last time I check we too have a rights in this country and all was taken away by the Gov controlled by these heartless UMNO/BN bastards. Ok vent over. Pls do not make this as an issue because it than defeats the purpose what the fights all about.
I have been following the many comments of non Hindu Malaysians about the HINDRAF rally. It has been criticised for not being a ‘broad based rights issue group’. This diatribe has indeed been an eye opener for me. It shows how fragmented Malaysian society has become. So blind it is to the plight of a small but sizeable minority group - daily facing the contempt and humiliation dished out by the ruling elite. The rally you witnessed is an act of desperation of a people bullied, battered and humiliated beyond endurance – it is not a ‘gotoh royang’. If Malaysia were a grand ‘kenduri’ the Hindus are the stray dogs hanging around the edges of the event. They would be VERY, VERY lucky if they get pelted with offal from the tables; they would be VERY lucky if it were just footwear thrown at them – but it is more likely the dog catcher would be dispatched to put down them down. That is exactly what is happening now.
You have face the contempt that Hindu children face in schools where Malay children, teachers, parents openly mock and set them aside – telling Malay children not to mix – words like “Hindus are ‘Haram’ ‘Kotor’ ‘Pariah’, easily trip off their tongues.
You have face the easy contempt the token Hindu colleague at work faces; trying bringing in Indian sweets during Deepavali and see how you Malay colleagues take it- you only invite mockery and humiliation. Why do I say ‘token Hindu’ – because he/she is good to have around whenMalays head off for long prayers on Fridays.
You have to face the glee and righteousness with which the WAHABISTS’ go about destroying temples (I am not talking roadside shacks but sizeable temples over 100years old). It the same contempt and arrogance they displayed when a disabled dead Hindu ex- soldier’s body was snatched from his wife and child, to be buried as Muslim – claiming he had converted. Why? He was a ‘hero’ who reached the summit of Everest but he was a HINDU so he remained a low ranking soldier but had to claimed to Islam when he died because the WAHABISTS would not allow any ‘glory’ to be attached to anything not ISLAMIC! This is but one example. This is the daily reality of the Hindus living in Malaysia. I am not saying that the treatment of other religious groups is any better. But they (the Wahabists) know how to pick their hapless victims (the Hindus). With Christians there is - powerful America and Europe to voice their concerns on their behalf. In the current worldwide stand off between the Islamic and Christian nations there is kind of perverse ‘holier than thou’ posturing to outdo each other – and thereby a pseudo protective mantle of other monotheist religions, exists in Malaysia.
Hinduism is not an ORGANIZED religion. Hinduism — is a faith without a national organisation, no established church or ecclesiastical hierarchy, no uniform beliefs or modes of worship — it exemplifies as much the diversity of mankind - it is not an IMPERIAL religion - no dictats. It is essentially spiritual, and at its core metaphysical (dealing with the nature of Existence, of Truth and of Knowledge). It is of an ancient civilisation and it has been around for over 4000 years because it accommodates the wide spectrum of individuals – from theological scholars to the man in street seeking ‘divine’ guidance. You are born into Hinduism –it seeks no converts.
So please look hard and you will find ample evidence of how Hindus are treated. How cruelly indifferent and callous the government is to how Muslims treat the disenfranchised Hindus of the country. Then maybe you will understand the spontaneity born out of desperation that brought the HINDUS out on the streets!
It is now clear the organisers of the rally are not interested in pursuing the rights and interests of Indians in this country, they are only seeking personal glory and used the Indians Tamils as tools for their personal agenda.
Everything they did was wrong.Malicious letter, full of untruths, addressed to the Prime Minister of Britain(who has no business getting involved).A petition for the Queen (as if they are British subjects and Malaysia has no monarch).Placards and posters of Ghandi(who was never a leader in Malaysia nor was he a Malaysian)
What is most shocking, they are lawyers and should have known better.
I think the Indian Tamils had been taken for a ride by the few unscruplous and idiotic lawyers.
Over 80 temples were demolished. A few Hindus were, including the Everest conqueror buried as a Muslim even though families protested.
you can go to or to see the videos and issues involved.
Yeah you are very right to say you are marginalised..
but i beleive the reason the term HINDRAF was used, was to get immediate support from the indians of whom the majority are Hindus.
Another reason why they used the term Hindraf i suppose is due to the demolishing of the hindu temples as shown in the link below
since it was hindu temples, using the term hindraf would again help gain support frm the indians of whom the majority are hindus.
We all(i think)know that the rally was not against other races and other religions but simply against the government..
so dont be too sad of feeling marginalised because i beleive the leaders had no other choice other than to do so
Forgive them for they do not mean to leave you out of their expression of frustration. Sometime we must overlook our differences and stand with them irrespective of race or religion. We have bigger fish to fry.
God be with you.
Right you are, Stephen. We support the plight of the disenfranchized Indians, though not everything that's on the agenda of Hindraf. Just as not every pro-Independence fighter necessarily fought for the former Alliance, but for all Malaysians regardless of political affiliations, ethnicity, or religion.
You have not been marginalised by Hindraf, i guess Hindraf can highlight the plight of Hindus because it is called so...but the underlying issue was to show how many "indians" regardless of religion were there to lend their friends who were christians were there too...and i do know that it is difficult for the Christians to get land to build churches...having said the above...i am proud that you joined the walk...may the force be with you :D
I totally agree with you. If HINDRAF wants to use the word indians then why only Hindus, it should cover all indians of all religions accept the indian muslims who impersonate malays and pretend to be bumiputras. They have not only segregated the religion but also many of the supporters keep saying tamils instead of indians, as if there are no other indians such as malayalees, telugus etc No doubt the tamils are the majority, but figures used are based on indians. They claim indians only have 1.2% of the economy. Why use that figure as it represents all indians irrespective of their religion. I suppose that is why the indians can never achieve anything as they keep segregating people even among their own, so eventually the indian community will become even smaller as it will be divided by indian hindu, indian christian, indian buddist, then further broken down to tamils, telugus, malayalees, punjabis, gujaratis etc. At the end of the day, the indians in malaysia will become insignificant due to their own doing. The chinese does not care whether they are christian, buddist, taoist etc. When they talk, they use the word chinese, they never say buddist or taoist. Maybe thats why they are much more successful. Maybe the indians need to learn from the chinese.
Hindraf called on all indians to support their cause, so its only fair they should support all indians and not just hindus or tamils as all indians suffer the same marginalization.
To all Indian Christians. Please do not feel marginalised. Indeed the movement started as "Hindu" as that is the natural reaction to Hindu temple destruction. But We all need to look beyond the Word "Hindu". It is not significant.
We are Indians. We are proud to be Indians. We must walk together.
By the way, HINDRAF should also have posters of Mother Theresa apart from Gandhi.
Bro, Hindraf is figthing for past many year in malaysia for Indians regardless religion. They figthing for ethnic indians in malaysia. Forget about religion,...dont be narrow minded with the word Hindu infront. Hindraf is fighting for us....
Hindraf leaders may have been narrow in their definition of race/religion etc....
But believe me, the laymen like me who were there on the streets on 25/11 were fighting for every marginalised soul's rights in the country..
Many of us do not see anything coming out of England, memo etc
It didn't cross our minds that we are hindus/christians/muslims etc....
We were there for one purpose show that we have had enough...So please take heart in that....We are still Bangsa Malaysia
Christian suck...
I mean some of us're snobbish snot! After three churches in Malaysia was demolished by the Gomen, finally some of us 'terbangun'...
Your Quote of the Day :
"Nothing happens unless first we dream".
knew a chap, sleeping & dreaming away for the past 4 years...
jeez you're right... NOTHING HAPPENS.
see this link
FYI, HINDRAF is asserting the human and civil rights of all Indians regardless of religion.
They fought for the case of Francis Udayappan, whose rotting body was returned to his grieving mother a year after he was murdered in detention.
I didn't see you there with HINDRAF, were you?
anon of 3:29,
all those pictures were captured by me,personally (below the 6 Reuters'credited pictures !)if you care to read "Democracy ala Malaysia"
Thank you for your input...but remember it was Uthayyapan and not HINDRAF who was championing the Francis Udayyapan case, please !
Don't shoot the messenger....thanks!
Cheers !
I pity you. Your mind is so narrow. Firstly understand the motive, it's a cry for survival and plea to the authorities for Non-Malay minorities rights!
You must be dumbo thinking Hindraf is championing for the Hindus.
No wonder UMNO is having a field day!
Dear Shanghai Stephen,
HINDRAF did not spring up recently. It has been there for a couple of years.
The "Hindu" in HINDRAF is due to the fight against demolition of Hindu temples at that time when it started.
Only now it has blown into a major force championing the downtrodden and hence did not forsee the offence in its name.
Lets be patient and not call the leaders racist as it takes a lot of personal sacrifice to do something like this.
Each of us have our own responsibilities too.. to create awareness among the rest.
So to you brother Stephen i emphatise, as I hv been put in such a situation before. Please, do not take offense as we are more than glad to have you among us.
In response to :
Thank you for your input...but remember it was Uthayyapan and not HINDRAF who was championing the Francis Udayyapan case, please !
Don't shoot the messenger....thanks!
Cheers !
I beg to differ.
There has never been anyone by the name of Uthayappan championing the Francis Udayappan case.
P. Uthayakumar acted on behalf of HINDRAF for Sara Lily (the deceased's mother) to work against the horrible injustice perpetrated against Francis, a Malaysian Indian Christian.
You're wrong my friend. There were Indian Christians, Sikhs, etc who supported HINDRAF. It also cut across different groups - Tamils, Malayalees, Telegus, Punjabis, etc. It also cut across class from labourer to middle class. What began as a Hindu Tamil movement became an Indian movement. But that's only because Indians stood alone for decades. But by standing up, the Indians were also indirectly speaking up for other minority groups as well.
Bro, i am also 5the generation Black Jew and also was left with a margin (marginalised ) by the Ultra Aryan God praying Dravidians when we marched that day . There was only one thing left to do ! I left for Renee's early that day . Cheers !
before you talk cock about "wahabism", read up on its history la...and it seems the extremist Hindus who massacre ex-hindus who dare to convert to islam, as in the "shut up" case about 10 years ago ( and many more swept under the carpet to protect the Hindus from Muslim revenge) of the husband and wife and baby (slashed to death so cruelly until her arms were hacked off)are not called murderers and terrorists...sedar diri dulu sebelum menuding jari kat orang...all extremists are deplorable, jgn tuduh islam je...just look at the history of extremists Hindus kat India and how vile and animalistic they were in the Partition own mother was witness to women being raped, SLAUGHTERED and mutilated by HINDUS...
Nothing to woory it. Although they called it as HINDRAF but definately they are not demanding for the Hindus only. And I'm dare to say, the crowd who turn on 25 nov is not Hindus only but the "Malaysian Indians" who has been marginalised and treated as as a slave by UMNO. Hindraf are not going against malays and infact alot of malays supported the peace demo coz they also get nothing from UMNO. Umno are serving only Bumiputera Umno and the cronies of the those in power only.
All other races that are not Gomen Gravy Trail Benefactors should thank Hindraf for their bravery. Hindraf is not fighting only for the Indians alone. It is not hoping to get the $$ from the Queen. It is not refusing to speak to the PM's organization. How to when the response is ' Bodoh', ' Balik Tongsan/China ' ' Balik Mumbai'. Is there a value add trying to post a petition of the minors ( Indian, Chinese, Real Bumi) sufferings - the UMNO sentries will use it to light up their cigarettes instead of passing up for attention. Hindraf 'sues' England as an avoidance from getting legally entangled with Gomen. This is also to attract internationals' notice so that they are being protected from taktik-buli Gomen. Gomen's ISA applied now is a joke in the name of human right. I believe other countries' human rights will rise to the call. Meantime, pray for hindraf.... I am now a housewife but I appreciate what Hindraf is doing.
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