Saturday, June 13, 2009

another one bytes the blog !

Finally this passionately feisty and hmmm....curvy woman did a long over-due favor to the nation......yes, my friend and former Star journo who now teaches "journalism" in a private institution of higher learning emailed me earlier of the best thing she did today.

Vanitha Nadaraj aka Doreen, "Wanita married to Lelaki" (actually Devid Rajah ) has an awful lot of stories and "secrets" to share with us ! Trust me, in the days to follow you too will 'bookmark' her blog-link.
Enough said.....go on and read what she reveals in her first posting here.

Cheers darling and welcome to the "other" media !


writestreet said...

Thanks for the very warm welcome, Shanghai. Appreciate all the support you have given. Long overdue all right.


nstman said...

Vanita, Shanghai Fishy is a 'in your face' blogger who tells it as it is. he is quite popular among drinkers.

Anonymous said...

He is in your face all right, but I have never known him to be fishy.
Pleasure to meet your acquaintance, NSTman. I've always wondered what your real identity is.

nstman said...

Thanks, Vanita. I cant reveal much about myself except that I worked in NST for a long time. The NST of the Seventies was the real deal... until it was taken over cronies, fakes and imposters who turned the paper into a cess-pit of lies, deceit. Till today, I am very heart-broken when I talk about the NST, a giant of Malaysian journalism which is now being raped, sodomised and left to die. Be that as it may, life goes. By the way, I will be reading your blog regularly. Very interesting blog, Vanita.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, NSTman. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks to you, Stephen, for the wonderful way you introduced me.

Anonymous said...

Hi There I'd love to congratulate you for such a terrific made site!
Was thinking this is a nice way to introduce myself!

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