Wednesday, June 24, 2009

have you eaten today ?

click on the link above and take 6:09 minutes of your life to just "THINK" !


Anonymous said...

It is like this in the Philippines. I spoke to an old journalist and now journalism lecturer (who was jailed by Marcos for refusing to comply to the then government's regulations on media control) and he said that 60% of the people in the Philippines live under the poverty line and that about 60 to 70 families control 80% of the country's economy.

Thanks for putting this up, Stephen. My students told me about this clip and I had been meaning to ask them to get me the URL but never got round to it.
Just breaks your heart when you see things like this, doesn't it? And we as a society waste so much.

Anonymous said...

Ampun tuanku ...ribuan ampun , patik sudah makaned !