There is a very thin line between who's a plain socio-political blogger and one who belongs to either of the 2 above mentioned pro-BN or pro-PR bloggers divide ! Sure I know alot of bloggers both by name and their nicks from both sides but I will never claim to be of being either a BN or PR blogger ! But revealing their identities (whether true or false) and their families is a big NO NO ! We have to respect that individuals right to remain so !
Trust me I will not spare any politician or political party who has betrayed us, the tax-paying rakyat, of what they promised us, the rakyat, during the run-up from the last elections !! It just so happens that there are more "fcuk-ups" in the current government, thus giving me a larger playing field of trash and screw-ups to write about !
Does that make me a PR blogger ? That's the label I'm often branded with by certain "bird-brained" quarters ! But let me assure you folks....no way will I let-up on anyone, most especially politicians, be they BN or PR ! I will not hesitate to scream or squeal if there is a betrayal of the rakyat's expectations and promises broken ! I will remain watching and writing about all and NOBODY pays me to blog ! Get it ?
I am all for good governance and in justifying the rakyat's hard earned taxed-money paid to the government machinery and for creating a safe neighbourhood for our kids to grow-up now and live in their future !
That's all !
1 comment:
If you hadn't noticed, there are also a few bloggers being paid to go around "PR-friendly" sites (only because BN's stupidity gives them so much ammo to shoot) and puts negative comments under Anon etc.
A few of them are targetting Zorro, Haris and the gang.
Wish these people would open up their eyes and see what they're really doing, or maybe they don't care that they're going to hell.
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