(Go here to just see the heart breaking pictures and videos here - no words needed ! )
Ask yourself what you can or care to do....as we Malaysian are indeed a "caring" lot, are we not, right ? This earthquake is the worst natural disaster since the tsunami, ever to befall any nation where the death toll may run well over 200,000 and what has this government been doing ? Nothing much, I'd say. Guess you have to be of a certain privileged type of peoples before you get this government's attention and interest, I guess. We have been very helpful before at giving relief and aid to such "disasters" even if some were created by man himself, yes ? So why is the government so silent on this catastrophe ? We have rushed with food and supply aid to the fore-front to Bosnia, Palestine and Acheh, with so much enthusiasm before and that is so commendable, right ?
I will now starting the ball rolling here and would like to pledge RM50.00 . As ex-President Bush who is also heading the US humanitarian effort with Clinton said last night....cash is the only form of aide they need right now from around the world. Anyone with me ? Or maybe you can bank-in your donations into my account and I will forward it to the right body outside of Malaysia through the American Embassy here in Kuala Lumpur. That way it WILL reach the right people who are buying the right ( not expired or near expiry food ) foodstuff and supplies for the people of Haiti !
So does anyone cares ?
Nice dispatch and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you for your information.
Our jokers talk a lot of cock. When it comes to the mother of all disasters, they seem lost for words. Nothing, not even a murmur about helping poor Haiti souls. You know what? It makes me sick. Very sick. The NST, especially, talks about helping the poor and down-trodden. NST now very quiet. Hey, Ahmad Talib, the chief propaganda officer of Najib who prides himself in helping victims of disaster, why are you so quiet? I feel sorry for you and the New Shit Times, which is losing readers by the day. The latest circulation for the NST is 80,000, down 30,000 since Ahmad Talib took over. Congratrulations, Ahmad.
At the moment, Malaysia is sponsoring a convoy to the Middle East to help poor suffering Palestinians. A noble effort, make no mistake about it. Everyone supports it. But right now there is a bigger human tragedy unfolding in Haiti. Arent we doing anything? How about another convoy to Haiti? Or maybe, Haitians dont have lighter skin or blues eyes. Or maybe, it's not chic to help dirty looking darkies. Only god knows the dirty reason for our inaction and hypocrisy. I think Niamah can shed some light into this human tragedy.
Our BN owned NST,Malay Mail ,STAR, TV3 were posting daily countdowns on the convoys they despatched to Gaza through Turkey, Egypt...blah
Tun Mahathir also supported via his Perdana Leadership. Rosmah spoke directly to Mubarak's wife. What an encounter !
Malaysian Govern doesn't know of Haiti.These people were the remnants of slavery practised by the French and Spanish. They were trading in human trafficking from Africa to America. Later they "abandoned" them in the islands at the doorways of America.
What a pity. Even Allah/God forgot these black people!
Malaysians today enjoying modern day slavery in bringing in loads of foreign labour from Nepal,Indonesia, Bangladesh...who issues the license and levy. Who cares if they are really employed or exploited...big bucks to make.
Steven, please do the right thing. Mobilise your effort to help these Haitians .Collect food , clothes etc besides the cash.Our Catholic church should be in the fore-front instead of championing other issues.
You can also donate directly on the Red Cross website
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