And now all hell is breaking loose ! The latest 'Palestine style' stones thrown at a Gurdwara in Jalan Haji Salleh in Sentul, Kuala Lumpur is simply despicable. And these idiots don't give a damn to the call of the Agong, the PM or the police ( here )
I hope everyone knows the origins of the word "Allah" and its usage long before Islam was founded. ( go check in wikipedia !) It also prohibits every non-Muslim Malaysian from proudly singing certain state anthems now !
I beg of the authorities to take stern action...and the Home Minister and the PM who actually gave their blessings to the protests initially and quickly used the "misquoted" escape-clause in denial, are not doing enough to STOP this madness ! And the police are STILL gathering information and evidence before making any arrests and warns the tax-paying citizens about listening to smses and on-line internet posters !
I hope everyone knows the origins of the word "Allah" and its usage long before Islam was founded. ( go check in wikipedia !) It also prohibits every non-Muslim Malaysian from proudly singing certain state anthems now !
I beg of the authorities to take stern action...and the Home Minister and the PM who actually gave their blessings to the protests initially and quickly used the "misquoted" escape-clause in denial, are not doing enough to STOP this madness ! And the police are STILL gathering information and evidence before making any arrests and warns the tax-paying citizens about listening to smses and on-line internet posters !
What have we become ? The world is watching us even more intently and I want to quote this AP report to stress a point to the political and economic future of this country before any sanctions are decreed by the world at large;
"How Malaysian leaders settle these matters will determine thatsaid Leonard Leo, chairman of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom. ( read the rest here ) So we are being given fair warning now , is it ?
country's political and economic future",
Do we really need to draw so much attention to our dubious claims and arguing frivolous language usages of our "little" selves ? Is this merely a clever diversion from other pressing matters ( we all know what 'they' are, right ?) that need addressing ? Do we need the international community to avoid us like the Myanmar, Libya, Afghanistan and Zimbabwe ? What about the "tourist and investor" dollars ?
Will be the Buddhists be next, yes ? The police are all talk.....and the religious teachers are not doing enough to stop this individuals running amok on a "jihad"......and against their fellow brethren too !
The majority of Malaysians are by nature a peace loving people and are rendered helpless as these unknown morons go on a rampage in the still of the night, to rock the very foundations of an unspoken mutual respect and unity we had aways had from the time of Tungku until someone smart alec PM had to point it out to us that we "should" be united as 1Malaysia ! Were we not before ??? Of course there were disagreements on political, social and religious issues....BUT it did not constitute cowardly acts of violence.....it never happen then and even if it did happen, it was quickly contained and isolated. And we lived happily ever since......until about 25 years ago......damn !
Sheeech on Malaysia !
It clearly show the obvious lack of leadership of our PM. His reaction and behaviour towards this "Allah" incident was muted, as if nothing has happened. Either he is helpless or his is part of it!
Adding more fuel to a burning fire will not douse it.
In this delicate issue, the ISA should be used on the masters of instigations. As the Bush administration puts it.... pre-emption.
Catch the trouble makers and put them under the ISA.
Surely the Police could or would already know the usual suspects in this case. Round them up before it's too late.
This country could do without these trouble makers. No plea bargaining or mercy to these idiots. Just ISA them. There's no other way.
Since when studying the information and carrying out further investigations was a way of life for the DIG of Malaysia. Didn't you just throw people into the ISA until now ....So what's the delay? INVESTIGATE LATER, like you have always done. Get the fools out of the streets so we as a nation can move on. Think about it.
If you burn or attack the house of God, even God can't help you anymore. Amen, Sat-Sri-Akal. NaSTyBOB
lol wikipedia, get a life
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