Perhaps the most unbecoming decision taken by a Home Minister is to give his blessing and encourage a street protest such as the one that is to take place tomorrow "after Friday prayers" from the Kampung Baru mosque over the "Allah" court decision rule ! (read here )
Just what is going on Mr. Home Minister Datuk Hishamuddin Hussein Onn ?
Quote:“If you do not allow the protest, it will cause a lot of emotional reaction. But if you also allow it, it might turn into a security threat,” Hishammuddin had said. “As long as it does not affect national security, we will not stop it." unquote.
You say "if you allow it, it might turn into a security threat", yes ? Then you go on to say "as long as it does not affect national security, you will allow this protest to go on ?" May I ask how is a security threat any different from national security threat, Mr. Home Minister ?
It looks like our Home Minister is alone in this and going against the very foundation of our PM's and the DPM's 1Malaysia unity project and urgent call for calm from all quarters ! And this double standard set of rules for UMNO muslims is indeed shocking as compared to the more pertinent abolishment of the ISA protests and the numerous well behaved "candle-light vigils" where we were so rudely and aggresively man-handled by your infamous men-in-blue and their mighty water cannons ! Is this another way to bring the UMNO muslims to join forces with the PR muslims ? That's what we have become....2 sets of muslims with 2 sets of rules !
Afterall the "spiritual leader" Nik Aziz and Haji Hadi have both unreservedly given the okay for the Heralds use of the word Allah which is by the way ONLY for the benefit of the indigenious and malay speaking Catholic brethrens of East Malaysia who incidently have been using this term from the 60's, right ? So why the fuss now ?
And even the Herald is silent about this and not putting into print while the "champions of Islam" have filed an appeal to over-throw the earlier High Court decision and on the advise of the PM's department......so how come Hishamuddin is throwing a "spanner ( or for all right thinking Malaysians...a Kris !) in the works", huh ?
fuck you la shanghai fish... we will do what we need to do to keep what we think is right...
no need to quote who say this... who say what...
at the end of the day... we will prevail...
the only reason Najib is not making a fuss is to get your vote and your other chin ping clan !!
how stupid can you be moroon...
You are a sicko lah anon 8:06PM. So you ok with UMNO muslin protest but cannot tahan Pas muslim when they go for anti-ISA protest ? Bodoh lah you call Shanghai moron....you are the real moron.tarik hidung macam hal kapala lembu itu.ikut bodoh politician without using your brians.
ptuiiiii !!!
anak mamaktongkang
pm : " we cannot stop people from protesting ONE ! "
ok, dun blame & arrest us for we r starting one somewhere else, ok ?
Another example of double talk and double standard. Disgusting politicians. The IGP must be applauded this time as he have issued a warning to would be protesters. This time he is been fair. Whether this warning carry much weight remain to be seen. Let us pray to Almighty God for heavy rain and thunder storms to cool down emotions.
Hey shang,
why is Anwar so quiet on this Allah issue ? Even Najis is agreable to this AMNO protest najis...so much for his One malaysia shit la ! habis his One malaysia !
He is accidently helping PR win the next election if he condones to this AMNO muslim protest tomorrow where east malaysia is concerned man ! they say buy-buy to AMNO fren. Stupid fellow that Najis.
Btw Anwar is loosing his popularity by keping his mouth shut. rating for Nik Aziz isup and Anwar is down .
To the first Anon: You are a racist bastard who lives on the fat of the land. You are a racist bastard who has no respect for people.
What a double-standard!The PM had stated that we cannot stop the people from demonstrating but when it comes to the opposite side of people demonstrating,the police are lightning fast to pull them over.No wonder our PM slogan is just to hoodwink the rakyat to support him blindly.
Anwar should do a Saiful on Hishammuddin.
to the 1st anon, "what you think is right.."? who are you, are you God? if you are a god-fearing religious person or human, you will be considerate and understanding. Obviously you are not, then why should you say anything regarding this issue?
Don't waste your time guys talking to the first Anon he's just a retard who was supposed to born as a pig but mistakenly ended up being human.
For what they have done and for all the arrogance and evil deeds they had proudly committed (in the name of religion sadly), the wrath of God will befall upon them... just wait and see. God is fair and great !
I do not know if anyone of you watched the statement made by the Home Minister on the issue.Footage was carried on all msmTV. It was made after a meeting with IGP and AG. When he made the statement all of them were very serious. But when the meeting ended the three of them were laughing perhaps they were sharing a joke. Ramalx
yes, saw it too : laughing at those fools seriously taking down notes !!
@#$%^&* !
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