Looks like Malaysia is certainly into high gear to be "sanctioned" by the USA , if we so continue to listen to the great Tun ! His take on the never ending Middle Eastern problem here is really "unbelievable" !
It sure sounds like a bad joke, and I sure hope this "statesman" knows his Hollywood better. ( read the whole Malaysiakini article here )
The Tun seem to hate the Jews so much that he opined "Until the creation of the state of Israel on Palestine land, the world was a secure place", huh, really Tun ? And went on to say that 'the only way for the west to make the world a secure place again for themselves is to eliminate the primary causes of the current Middle East conundrum.....' that "primary cause" is actually Israel, yes, Tun ?
Why ? Are we not all made equal and in the eyes of God/Allah the Creator ? Why is so much venom spewed against any one particular human race ? Are we so blinded by prejudice that we wish for a particular race of people to be completely wiped-out from the face of this earth ? Why would any men of good religious up-bringing wish for this ? Would you ? Is that what our religions has since taught us ?
Hey....as in any race there are bad and good people, right ? Surely everyone deserves a right to find his safe place to live and grow and build his future on, right ? If all our fore-fathers had not ventured out of their homelands long ago we would not have found this safe place in the sun to call home, yes ? Only the indegenious peoples would be here living in Malaysia. ( hmmmm......I wonder if this here country would even be called Malaysia !)
So I cannot imagine the Tun dishing out so much generous bashings of hate for the Jews......the Jew problem is not ours but certainly is now and is being created by this former premier......a bad move for a man who in his twilight years should build bridges of peace and not add "hate" to his atonement records ! "Hate" is the most despicable word on record for anyone to preach ! It breeds every other deed contrary to the teachings of God/Allah.
Now not only is the world at large watching us since the numerous screw-ups we have recently become so infamous for,especially the jet-engines and church fire-bombing incidences............... but so is God/Allah !
Mahathir is on a frolic of his own.
Jew bashing and anti-semitic has been his trademark.So much so, that it has become an obession in the muslim mind.
Of course , why did Hitler killed more than 7 million jews in Germany, Poland, Hungary , Austria etc. He was trying to wipe out the Jews from the earth.They are a scourge on earth.
Did Shakespeare ever mention anything good about Jews ? He condemned Jews in almost all his masterpieces.
So it was Europe that was anti-semitic then and now. America is apologetic towards them.
If Shakespeare were to be alive today, he wouldn't change his opinion a bit. In fact the atrocities committed by the Jews would only reinforce his literary works.Even scriptures including the Bible and Quran have nothing good to say of the Jews. So Mahathir was only reminding the world of what God has mentioned.For once Mahathir is doing God's work.
If you think God approves of the wiping out of a certain race,why would he even make them ?...you have been reading the wrong "good" book ! No religion advocates to taking another's life....even if it means defending that God you so want to belief.These books were written when everyone was a pagan times and preached to barbarian....zoom back into the 21st. century man. Where have you been ? Answer me just 1 question. Does your God/Allah approves of killing and taking another man's life ?
As far as I am taught in my Bible...God is all forgiving and LOVE ! Jesus taught me that and as it also says in the Quran...
"to come to ME you must first believe and respect the wise words of all prophets before ME.....from Adam to Isa", right ? So.....???
If that's too hard for you to comprehend....heaven have pity on you, man !
God's work indeed....it sounds more like Satan's work please! But then again, I am but a mere mortal, who have sinned ...and will not point out the splint in another's eye nor cast the first stone on anyone !
Cheers !
dont this man know what he is saying?? to wipe out the jews is like fighting against God, because God is the one who created the Jews.
I think he must be the devil himself.
dont this man know what he is saying?? to wipe out the jews is like fighting against God, because God is the one who created the Jews.
I think he must be the devil himself.
Good day, sun shines!
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Who is Hitler. Who is Shakespeare, and who is Mahathir. They are all made by God. They will all pass away. But the bible said that God's word will not passed away. The Jews are God chosen people. I am not a Jew, I am jealous. Why did God chose them? Only God knows. It is His choice because He is God. God also said that whoever is against Israel He will be against them, and whoever is for Israel He will be also for them. God is God, and we have to listen to Him and not listen to Man.
The world population is made up of 80% good people and 20% bad people. As we begin the next decade it appears that we are allowing the 20% of bad people to slowly but surely affect us. The silent majority must speak up. We need more blogs like this one. But unfortunately I now observe that more and more blogs are beginning to sound like the main-stream-media. may be the hidden hand has got to them.
All of you out there speak now or for ever hold your instrument of speech.Ramalx
Saladin, a Moslem King protected the Jews from the maurading crusaders. So does the Turkish Ottoman Sultanate.
Don't ever step into Turkey, Umar. They will skin you alive. Plus, Germany too, they will put you in prison if you utter something bad about the Holocast
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