It was all part of a bigger plan and to divert our attention but instead got us yet again confirmed as bigger fools in the eyes of the world. Yes, when the rest of the world is struggling to keep up with the financial crunch, jobless situations and failing stocks....we have here some dubious scandles like the the raping of the PKFZ billions, stolen jet engines, dead Teoh Beng Hock and Altantuya, a failed judiciary and rising fuel and commodity prices still begging for review and justice, when some dirty scheming morons decided to fire-bomb religious places of worship. It has worked so far....but at whose expanse...may I ask ?
Like I said, the world is watching us and we continue to humour them in these lean times with our petty claims in the Almighty's name ! For a good laugh of quotes from our "top guns"read here . And in the meantime and after 9 molotov incidences and still counting, the Home Minister is raising to the defence of our cops by saying........here....
Enough lah ....let's get on with the business of the day and bring to book all those involved in the above SINS ! And that means an awful lot of people out there, right ?
You were soooooo....right!
Stones thrown at Sikh temple in Sentul
Jan 12, 10 12:12am
The attacks on places of worships in Malaysia escalated today with another attack - this time against a Sikh temple in Sentul where stones were thrown damaging a glass door.
Police found about 20 big stones near the broken window of the 100-year-old Gurdwara Sahib Sentul temple yesterday evening.
Temple volunteers who were doing gardening said they heard sound of broken glass at 6.45pm and went to investigate. One of the volunteers, who is a police officer, informed the police about the attack.
Temple committee chairperson Gurbial Singh said that no one spotted the assailants. He said that the Sikh scripture use the contentious word 'Allah'. Temple officials are urging devotees to remain calm.
The latest attack came in the wake of a spate of fire-bombings against churches across the nation, triggered by the High Court's Dec 31 decision to lift a government ban on non-Muslims using 'Allah' as a translation for 'God'.
The ruling in favour of Catholic newspaper The Herald, which argued for the right to use 'Allah' in its Malay-language section, was suspended last week pending an appeal, after the government argued that 'Allah' is exclusive to Malay Muslims.
Exco and MP visit temple
At least nine churches have been attacked in Malaysia since last Friday in the wake of the High Court decision.
Seven churches were firebombed - four in the Klang Valley, two in Taiping and another in Seremban.
The worst hit was Metro Tabernacle Church in Desa Melawati, Kuala Lumpur, where the ground floor of its three-storey building was gutted.
An additional two churches were attacked - a church in Malacca was splashed with black paint, while stones were thrown at a church in Miri, Sarawak, breaking one of its glass windows.
Selangor executive councillor Elizabeth Wong and Selayang parliamentarian William Leong (photo below) visited the Gurdwara Sahib temple at 10.30pm.
'Allah' in Sikh holy book
During the court hearing of the Herald case, Malaysian Gurdwara Council president Jagir Singh filed the application seeking an intervention.
In his application, he said the word 'Allah' was contained in the Sikh holy book, the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
Jagir said the Sikh scripture was from God and that not a single word in it could be changed, amended or replaced.
The council, which represents the Sikh community, was among those which applied to intervene in the matter.
A number of Muslim organisations - the Penang, Terengganu, and Perak Islamic Religious Councils, Malay Customs Council and the Federal Territory Islamic Council - had also applied to intervene, arguing that they too had an interest in the case.
However, their applications were rejected by the court.
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