Great balls of fire came striking down from the sky last night in some 4 churches around the Klang Valley, huh ? (read here ) And the PM has come out to strongly condemn these dastardly acts of cowardice by "agent provocateurs" BUT only last night said he cannot stop these demonstrations today in the Kg. Baru mosque ! But in the night before the demonstrations these acts were committed !
What good is a PM if he cannot even issue a firm order to his people to STOP the atrocities of burning churches ? Do something NOW and stop talking of that 1Malaysia crap ! That is history as you are now skating on very thin ice with the trust and hope of the rakyat ! I pray God help you now, Mr. PM !
The damage is done Mr. PM and Mr. Home Minister, BUT trust me, the Christians will NOT retaliate....for they have far more respect and understanding of the various religions as LOVE is the very foundation churches are built on ! Remember Jesus' last words on the cross in the biblical verse; "forgive them Father, for they know not what they do....." ?
Well what do you know ? I also got these smses from 3 different friends urging all Christians to remove crucifixes, rosaries and all christian articles displayed in cars as "they" were smashing cars displaying these religious articles in the Bangsar area while more protests ( with the PM and Home Minister's blessings ) are gong on in PJ and Shah Alam !
I am not one who listens to rumour and I don't know how far this is true, but if it is please, I beg you ....please stop this ! This is so unMalaysia !!! This is so stupid and surely the work of ignorant fools with no proper religious up-bringing what-so-ever ! Can the IGP make anything out of this ? Where are your boys-in-blue NOW ?
In the meantime I appeal to the PM and the Home Minister to go "turun padang" and IF they can muster some respect, tell these morons whoever they are to STOP doing what they are doing !
Shame on Malaysia !
This is the time for all leaders in authority and power to show their leadership quality and statemanship. I appeal for everyone to be level headed.
cars with rosaries & christian articles r being smashed NOW !
This is the time to use the ISA on the trouble makers. This is the time to take pre-emptive measures.
This is the time to test the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the ISA.
And this is the time to down a pint before they burn the place down too.
Even if it's true, there's no way I will remove the cross unless it is removed from me.
Nationwide Christmas celebrations were held in Kota Kinabalu, the PM gracing the event....12 days later he 'condoned' the gathering of protesters (we cannot stop them if they want to protest)which escalated into the burning of Christian Churches...Sabahans, the "1Malaysia" does not include you his 'fixed deposit'!!!
The FD has 'matured'...time to withdraw.
....from anguished Malaysian in Sabah
East Malaysians now should realise that this is what they got for every vote they had made. Unmo got into power to rule this country basically bcoz of the East Malaysian fixed deposit votes and without East Malaysia, Unmo is nothing.
Should suggest those scumbags who were chamnpioning the demos today to organise similar demos in Sabah & Sarawak also...why only do it here but chicken out doing such demos in East Malaysia ? After all it is there in East Malaysia the word Allah is heavily being used by Christians, so much more compared to here in Peninsular.
So if really they want to be heroes, why do demo here only, go la and do demo there in Sabah & Sarawak also.... see what happens.
Thank god we have a strong ally in the fight against thugs, bigots, racists. And that ally is CNN, BBC, Aljazeera and the many world news agencies which headlined the shame which rocked this country. The threat to bludgeon a minority with huge Nazi-style rallies into submission ended in a whimper because of the negative publicity brought about by the attacks on the churches. Bullying tactics have now turned into a double-edged sword. Just dont try it again, because the world is watching. I hope the culprits of this shameless episode (you and I and the whole world know who they are) get the message.
Forgive them for they KNOW exactly what/why they are doing !!??
Offer your left cheek too !!??
Anon1103am....yes the other cheek too! Why not for the sake of peace. Some of us have to make the sacrifice, no?
"Forgive tham Father for they know not know what they do" because they are in self-deception.Ramalx
This is the time to start throwing people in jail under ISA. I may not have liked a lot of what PM Mahathir did but at least he made sure crap like this did not happen. If the current PM is a lame duck, he needs to step down and let a real leader take over. I live in the US and have always told my friends what a model Malaysia is in real racial and religious tolerance. My father risked his life to fight the communists and for what? so these damn religious zealots can spit on his sacrifice? I see now that tolerance is a thing of the past. Malaysian LEADERS, stand up and fight for waht is right! We need true leaders now so all the hard work of the people that fought for our independence is not gone to waste. All your morons in "power" wake up and smell the terrorism in the air. Grow a spine and start working for the "rakyat" that put you in office!
beware of 'arman azha ' from pergerakan pemuda umno pj ' !
Time has come for Christians to watch and pray. Do let your heart to be trouble by looking at the current situation but forgive and prayer for our brother whoever moves emotionally by damaging the Church. As it say in Ephesians 6:12 “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” Even on the day where Jesus was crucified on the cross, He said “"forgive them Father for they know NOT what they do....." In that situation Jesus, still forgive the people who crucified him. So we as His children must follow His footstep. We don’t move emotionally by stay in His feet, everything will come to order. Amen!
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